I tried… Chocolate Bread Pudding

I tried… Chocolate Bread Pudding

When it comes to cooking, I will dable if its something stove top, but for some reason I’m scared of the oven. I don’t know why I have this phobia. But it’s there. Anyways- recently, inspired by how Shelterrific always does their “test kitchen” recipe posts, I thought I would try my hand at baking something, and this Chocolate bread pudding from Food Everyday (or is it Everyday Food?) looked sooo good. Plus, they had a video too- Always helps me to see a visual. This is what it was supposed to look like.Looks good right? Ok, so I followed the instructions, and have to say, it was really as easy as it looked in the video. (I seriously played that thing over and over about 50 times, hehe)
Here’s how mine looked when it came out of the oven.Then with some powdered sugar on top.And then shortly after, this would be the last time you would see this piece as it was rudely and swiftly devoured by me. (like this) YuM!

So, now that I’ve conquered the bread pudding- what should I make next? Any one have any easy (stress on the easy) ideas/recipies for other warm yummy gooey goodness?