catch up!!

catch up!!

Can you believe it’s the last full week of January 2010 already? And the week is already half over?! 2010 is in full swing and I’m just trying to catch up! Things have been really crazy for the past few months. Multiple projects for work all going on (and due at the same time! yikes!) have kept my head jumping and spinning and sadly kept me from blogging as much as I would like to. So… this week I’m hoping to start catching up!!

Did you make any resolutions this year? For the past few years, my personal mantra has been “upgrade.” I guess it’s because I’ve reached “a certain age” and I’ve just been thinking that it’s time to step it up. This year, however, it’s not really about “upgrading” per say, it’s more about “making things better.” For me, this doesn’t necessarily mean going more “upscale”- but rather it could mean just simplifying, or changing something that needs refreshing. Cleaning up, nurturing neglected areas, and looking forward. So this year, I am trying to do this in all aspects of my life- including this blog.

The first thing you might notice is a few tweaks as I experiment here in the coming weeks. I’ve had this blog now for almost 4 years(!) but I’ve never really done much to the actual layout/design. But it’s about time, and I’m doing something about it. I’m playing around with a complete redesign, which is quite exciting- so stay tuned!…
Also, I’ve got a ton of book reviews and a few giveaways I’ve been meaning to do- so lots of fun stuff on the way! Thanks again for checking in on my mundane musings.

(BTW, the images above were of the ornaments I made, but these were ones I saved as gifts. I spray painted them fluorescent yellow, and put them in plastic boxes. My friend Em posted the ones I gave her on her blog, supercozy. check it out!)