Keep it Quiet- inside out mag sept/oct 09

Keep it Quiet- inside out mag sept/oct 09

Sorry, I had hoped to post this over the weekend, (but lazy sunday got the best of me!) but moving on… As much as I totally appreciate all the bright fun pop colors that are happening right now in the world of design and fashion, This “keep it quiet” editorial in the Sept/October 09 Inside Out totally spoke to me. It’s soooo beautiful and feels so right on with the mood I’ve been in. I absolutely am in love with the muted palettes mixed with the wood tones, and the minimal use of bright green and blue accents adds just the right amount of pop to keep it from being too sedate. So inspired! Photos by Sharyn Cairns and styling by Glen Proebstel. Unfortunately my cheapy photographs do not do any justice to the amazing subtle colors that the actual printed mag has, so as I mentioned in my last post– if you go by a magazine stand- definitely look for this one- it’s a must looksee! (images Sharyn Cairns/styling Glen Proebstel for Inside Out)